Monday, July 5, 2010

HCL launches cheapest laptop @ Rs 13,990

HCL Infosystems has launched the MiLeap X, which will be priced at 40 per cent less than the cheapest laptop in the market.

HCL's MiLeap X will retail for just Rs 13,990. The company has said that MiLeap X, an ultra portable, next generation laptop, will open up a wide range of new usage scenarios and application areas. The MiLeap X series will have both flash based and disk based storage systems.

The new laptop will cater to schools, colleges, and government departments. There is undoubtedly a market for cheap laptops in India. HCL Infosystems stands to gain if it enters into a sales pact with educational institutes and government departments in this regard, said market experts.

HCL has also launched the MiLeap Y series priced at Rs 29,990. HCL has said that the MiLeap Y series is powered by Intel Ultra Mobile Platform, Microsofts Vista Home Premium, and weighs 960 gm. The MiLeap Y series has an 80GB HDD, wireless connectivity, Data Card option, blue tooth & Ethernet network port.

The Microsoft Windows Vista Home premium powered MiLeap Y series is priced at Rs 33,990.

HCL, a major in the personal computer and server space, has garnered around seven percent of the countrys laptop market. The laptop market is dominated by major players such as Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, and Acer. These big three had sold 980,000 units in the third quarter of 2007, almost double the numbers sold in 2005.

The new laptops will be manufactured at HCLs manufacturing facility in Pondicherry. It has been said that the company would start shipping the laptops by January 26, 2008. Both the models come with Intel processor and weigh less than a kg, said a review.


  1. be very interested in a demo of this item

  2. good launching.. keep posting a news article. This demo is very important for me.

  3. The article is really good if u ask my rating for this article for 5 out 5 I will shurely give 4 Ratings Because the article contains maximum required information about HCL launches cheapest laptop @ Rs 13,990 which really helps any one if they come across this article for information

  4. it contains many new good features and have cheap prices for

  5. this article too much informative and impressive. this price rate for laptop is too much impressive

  6. Hcl laptops are always good for any buyer and we could enjoy using it.

  7. i love laptop:)) But this us expensive

  8. what can i say, i really like the post and i think that the price is very suitable, so i hope that most of the Indians will afford to buy one.

  9. thanks for sharing this, I'm looking for some stuff about HCL, but I still consider mac is the best laptop on the earth

  10. From this article, we know that the HCL just launched the cheapest notebook which should be affordable by most of us, thanks for the info!

  11. Hcl laptops are always good for any buyer and we could enjoy using it.

  12. Wow! I wanted to have it for it is really affordable, thanks for the info.

  13. HCL Infosystems today launched MiLeap a fully functional, portable range of laptops that sport a starting price tag of Rs 13990.

  14. Ya this is the good news for laptop lovers. i have one but now i plan for buy this. because the price is so low.

  15. Wow.. This is truly unbelievable price. HCL is really done a good job by making laptops affordable to every child in India. This would definitely enhance the learning skills of school going children.

  16. hcl is peoples company they are really affordable for every person..this step can make more lappy's for everyone...its sounds better

  17. the laptop is very attractive and have best features.i am already using dell laptop and now i am planning to purchase this one because of new features.

  18. HCL is really a good company, I use HCL desktop. They are manufacturing very their products with good quality and less price so that everyone can buy a laptop.

  19. what can i say, i really like the post and i think that the price is very suitable, so i hope that most of the Indians will afford to buy one.

  20. I am really feel interested to buy HCL Infosystems MiLeap X because it will cost 40 per cent less than the cheapest laptop in the market.

  21. hcl laptops are a new fad among the youth,it is one of the cheapest laptops i have ever witnessed,i would like to buy one now,and they give some additional gifts with it too

  22. I think HCL very helpful low markets with their cheap products. So nice...

  23. the demo is very wonderful.this is the cheapest price.people can buy it easily.

  24. Such an unbeatable price for a laptop. This price would definately help to penetrate the developing nations and help students in advancing their educational skills.

  25. Buying a laptop is always being my dream but their high end prices are always stop me to buy Laptops but this HCL is the most affordable laptop i have ever seen. i will definitely buy it.

  26. I am very happy to listen that HCL's MiLeap X will retail for just Rs 13,990.Now i am going to buy.

  27. There was a time when laptops were coming out very costly and it was very expensive to buy it and now that HCL has come out with such cheaper rate, i think man can buy it for sure.An excellent laptop at this cheaper price

  28. i really like the post and i think that the price is very suitable. this HCL is the most affordable laptop i have ever seen. i will definitely buy it.

  29. HCL is one of the best in providing the cheapest stuffs with all the facilities in it. this one also adds to the list.

  30. Great! It is a essential information for me as I want to buy a laptop and I have less budget for it.

  31. useful tips and it's of great value to many pepole !! , guess i'll share the info here with a friend who want to learn about this ..thank you very much for your article

  32. i like laptop because it is easy to carry and this demo is really good.

  33. It is really great to get to know that HCL launches some cheap laptop and it should be a great news for person who are about to change their laptop recently!

  34. Wow Rs 13,990 is too cheap for a laptop. Thank for this information

  35. This product is really cheap, lol. Everyone can surely afford this price. Never knew there could be so cheap computer. Thanks for the information.

  36. wow , fantastic news , i still cant believe my eyes that i can get the laptop at such lower prices , thx for sharing

  37. Really, Its amzing. HCL is doing the great job. Thnks

  38. this article too much informative and impressive. this price rate for laptop is too much impressive

  39. everyone can buy it
    omg its very low price
    i think it may be recommended for those
    who don't want to buy costly system.

  40. HCL is very nice branded laptop and that too within so attractive price! I can't believe it. Thanks for sharing.

  41. thanks HCL for bringing a new product that comes up in local man's pocket. thanks again. i would certainly check for it features. thanks

  42. very good article, hard work has done to make this information so useful for every body, i'll mention BUYLAPPY Blog when taking about laptops and notebooks , thanks

  43. A very cheap laptop indeed. I would go for the flash based storage for quicker performance.

  44. it was great deal! nice there are laptops within that prize and brand new.

  45. It is really nice to know of the cheapest laptops in the market now as everybody can afford it and over that Dell is very well known brand.A very informative article here

  46. Laptops below 15000 rupees. great. that can be provided only by HCL. Hcl rocks. this is going to help everyone to have a laptop.

  47. Really very informative article.I will rate it 5 on 5. Because what people are searching is cheap laptop information which has been provided here very well.

  48. I haven't seen any HCL products around my area here but i am interested to know more about this. Thanks for sharing this article.

  49. I was searching for this type of article even your post helped me with providing some more information about HCL launches cheapest laptop @ Rs 13,990 ,which even saved some of my time for comming accros your blog really thanks for the post

  50. i think that it is a good thing to launch like these kind of computers in a good price to allow people even with a low income to have one

  51. The price is certainly impressive! Your article is detailed and well written and it certainly has me interested in this laptop. Thank you for sharing the information.

  52. I had seen this leap-top almost 2 years back. i found this leap-top quite cool to be used for internet. It does only contain 20 gb of hard disk out of which 8.5 gb is already acquired by OS. Although where i had seen this he was providing an additional portable harddisk with this(viz. 40 Gb) for Rs. 500 only. The main feature of this leap-top was that it had a screen size of just 7.6 inches but the keyboard is not too small to type its quite comfortable to type. I was surprised to see the way they made this.its size was about 6"x8" and was quite cool to carry with as it was only 800 gms. in weight. Configuration: Intel Dual core 1.6 GHz, 1 GB Memory, 20 GB storage, 2 lan supported for networking, 4+1 usb ports, 100 minutes of power backup in full functional mode, 256 k colour depth, 9300k and 6500 k temperature supported, vista home premium installed(with dvd), No DVD/cd drive.

  53. wow, laptop for just 13,990 rupees? this is a good indication that now every one can buy a laptop, every student can use it. Mainly people from poor financial background can also afford this product

  54. the cost of this product is really suitable for me, i want to buy it.

  55. I think its a great news for student and poor country .Because its helps the people to ahead in it sector.

  56. I have been hearing a lot of buzz about MiLeap X and can't wait to try it out. I hope it's really well worth the price. I wouldnt expect anything great though but I know it's decent enough for a light user.

  57. one question, What form of currency is RS?

  58. Hcl always have some racy product which everyone can use it in a proper way and i really enjoy this whole product and information.

  59. HCL is the best in providing the cheapest product in the market. apart from that HCL stuffs are the best for rough use. i have 3 years of experience with HCL.

  60. Honestly I've heard of quality products at affordable prices like this. Thank you for the information

  61. A branded laptop for 13k is really a boon for us. HCL is doing a great job. I was in a plan of buying a laptop, seems i can have two at a time :)

  62. from long time i had a big craze on HCL laptop,this article gives more information and the review can help unknown people to know more,

  63. useful tips and it's of great value to many pepole !! , guess i'll share the info here with a friend who want to learn about this ..thank you very much for your article

  64. this hcl laptop is going to take over the market. 13990 is really a affordable price for a HCL chipset laptop.

  65. This is the cheapest laptop on market until now and HCL has did a great job to provided people a cheap notebook. Thanks for the post!

  66. I was looking around to buy a cheap laptop and this is certainly a great news for me.

  67. Wow.. This is truly unbelievable price. HCL is really done a good job by making laptops affordable to every child in India. This would definitely enhance the

  68. I was surprised to see the way they made this.its size was about 6"x8" and was quite cool to carry with as it was only 800 gms. in weight. Configuration: Intel Dual core 1.6 GHz, 1 GB Memory, 20 GB storage, 2 lan supported for networking, 4+1 usb ports....Because what people are searching is cheap laptop information which has been provided here very well.

  69. Actually i need about 20-30 computer for my
    school (for educational purpose)
    so definitely i don't need to buy higher configuration pc, so i think i should buy
    HCL computers , because their price can good for me.

  70. wow...its so economical...good configuration in less money...

  71. i like the post ,i think that the price is very suitable. this HCL is the most affordable laptop i have ever seen. i will definitely buy it. thanks you

  72. thanks for sharing this article.

  73. this is really great information about laptop. i live it

  74. thanks for sharing this article.

  75. I can't believe this offer for a quality laptop. is this really true? wow what a product!! this price is very low. i'm sure this laptop really get big sales figure. thanks for giving this information.

  76. Very very positive article for all laptop users.How is unable to buy a laptop for economical situation,this article is helpful for them.Thanks for sharing.l

  77. This is truly unbelievable price. HCL is really done a good job by making laptops affordable to every child in India. This would definitely enhance the learning skills of school going children.

  78. This is Great, but better to see the picture will be more interesting

  79. Good to hear that there is a price drop for laptops. I have noticed it since I bought mine that one can get a lot more for the money. HCL is a good example. Thanks for sharing.

  80. This leaptop is awesome. Price is just unbeleivable. Now evero9ne can buy leaptop at this price.

  81. it contains many new good features and have cheap prices for

  82. With this cheap concept introduced by HCL , every common man can now afford to buy a laptop for himself without affecting much on his pocket. Reall good approach towards growing globalistaion.

  83. have been hearing a lot of buzz about MiLeap X and can't wait to try it out. I hope it's really well worth the price. I wouldnt expect anything great though but I know it's decent enough for a light user.

  84. Wow.. Good News...
    It will help students a lot.
    Many colleges and Educational Institutes will be able to provide to its students this as it is comparatively cheap.

  85. Its an unbelievable news, but Hcl laptops are widely used in india and have become must buy among college students , so the mileap series will greeted very warmly by indians as well as international consumers.

  86. This is truly unbelievable price.

  87. will check the review soon of this product and will opt for this product as my budget is 15 k

  88. Enjoyable Price of HCL looks reasonable and affordable to all.

  89. it's really cheap and great at same time !!

  90. It is best news for us, This cheap laptops are best for student like us.
